Centre for Science and Technology Studies Centre for Science and Technology Studies 2333AL Leiden Zuid Holland 31715273909

Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science

The seminar series on ‘Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science’ aims to foster debate on inequalities in science across the world. We hope to invite critical discussions on how research evaluation and communication include/exclude topics so far seen labelled as “regional” and/or published in “local" languages, diversity in the participation in science, and contributions to knowledge that are related to sustainable development. It will thus concern a broad range of issues related to epistemic justice and decolonizing knowledge.


Connecting the Dots: The Role of Internationally Mobile Scientists in Linking Nonmobile with Foreign Scientists


Tommaso Ciarli, Senior Researcher in Economics of Innovation at UNU-MERIT, United Nations University, and SPRU, University of Sussex.

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Status and trends in Open Science: open to what and for whom? The UNESCO OS Outlook

Dr Tiffany StrazaPresenter

Dr Tiffany Straza, Open Science Consultant, UNESCO

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Turning academics into researchers: The development of National Researcher Categorization Systems in Latin America


Federico Vasen , Universidad de Buenos Aires / CONICET, Argentina

Twitter: @federicovasen

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Different dimensions of openness in open science practices. The importance of collaboration for societal goals


Valeria Arza

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From Epistemic Injustice to Epistemic Diversity - Investigations of Open Access Publishing and Research Reproducibility


Thomas Kiebel

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Dynamics and practices of internationalisation in model organism science - a South American perspective

Though science has always had an international dimension, for some time now academics and policymakers have considered that research could become ‘more international’ under the assumption that in doing so it becomes better, i.e. more collaborative, innovative, dynamic, and of greater quality.


Dr. Rodrigo Liscovsky

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Aligning research quality with collective benefit: participatory, diverse and inclusive research assessment reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean

Singularities, share priorities and challenges for research assessment reform in LAC are introduced in dialogue with global initiatives, based on the lessons learned from FOLEC- CLACSO.


Laura Rovelli

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I wouldn't start from here: making the case for Outcome Trajectory Evaluation

Presentation of a new outcome evaluation approach designed to solve two long-standing issues: programs are given too much credit and little is learned from one evaluation to the next.


Boru Douthwaite, Director, Selkie Consulting Ltd, selkie.ie

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Science and 'inequality': insights from Africa and environmental fields

The talk reflects on how ‘inequality’ in science is researched and experienced by scholars in Africa, focusing on four ‘scenes’ of scientific activity in environmental fields.


Prof. Nelius Boshoff and Dr. Susanne Koch

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The multi-scale and multi-lingual circulation of knowledge: an empirical study of the available data sources in Latin America

This presentation will show the landscape of the Latin American publishing circuit and the various databases that cover it.


Fernanda Beigel

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Geopolitics of predatory academia: from predatory journals to mislocated centers of scholarly communication

Predatory academia is identified with unethical practices of journals in English. A fresh theoretical perspective can take geopolitical dimensions into account.


Emanuel Kulczycki

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