Centre for Science and Technology Studies Centre for Science and Technology Studies 2333AL Leiden Zuid Holland 31715273909

Scientometrics Using Open Data

Open data sources such as Crossref, DataCite, ORCID, OpenAlex, OpenCitations, and many others offer important opportunities to perform scientometric analyses in more transparent, inclusive, and reproducible ways. The course Scientometrics Using Open Data in our CWTS course program provides an introduction to the use of these open data sources. The next edition of the course will take place online in fall 2024. The course is offered jointly by CWTS and the Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative (COKI).


The next edition of the course takes place online from October 29 to November 1, 2024. The course consists of four consecutive half-day sessions, which are scheduled from 9.00 to 13.00 CET.


Compared with proprietary scientometric data sources, open data sources enable more responsible approaches to the use of scientometric information in research assessment and research policy. The course Scientometrics Using Open Data aims to provide a practical introduction to open scientometric data sources and their use in research assessment and research policy contexts. The course focuses on the following topics:

  • The landscape of open data sources
  • Strengths and weaknesses of open data sources for different use cases
  • Accessing and using open data sources
  • Applications in research assessment and research policy
  • Future trajectories - deciding when open data sources will be the right choice for your use case


The course will combine lectures, practical exercises, and discussions. Practical exercises will include accessing open data sources through APIs and querying open data sources using Google Big Query. Participants are invited to bring their own use case and to explore the application of open data sources for that use case.


The course is provided by lecturers from CWTS and COKI, including Bianca Kramer, Cameron Neylon, and Nees Jan van Eck. The lecturers have an extensive expertise on open data sources for scientometric analyses, ranging from research applications through to production systems used in real-life evaluations. They have used open data sources in a range of policy contexts, including monitoring of open access policy compliance, analysis of global scientific collaboration, and national research evaluations.


The course is targeted at participants with a professional interest in performing scientometric analyses using open data sources. The course is most beneficial for participants that already have some basic knowledge on scientometrics. There is room for at most 30 participants.

Participants feedback from previous edition

"I like the very interactive way of the course and the very open and friendly atmosphere by the lecturers and participants".
"The course provided a good overview of the landscape/context while also allowing for technical skill development. Well balanced".

Course fee

The course fee is EUR 1000 excluding VAT.


To register for the course, please use this booking form. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.

The general terms and conditions of CWTS BV are applicable.


For further information about this course please send us an email.

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