Centre for Science and Technology Studies Centre for Science and Technology Studies 2333AL Leiden Zuid Holland 31715273909

Responsible Evaluation

The Responsible Evaluation thematic hub is one of the four research hubs at CWTS. This thematic hub is led by Alex Rushforth, with core members Tjitske Holtrop, Marta Sienkiewicz, Ismael Rafols, Leonie van Drooge, and Dmitrii Kochetkov


Responsible Evaluation is a thematic hub in which CWTS brings together our expertise in ‘responsible’ practices around research evaluation. The hub aims: to improve internal communications and learning within CWTS, to provide a forum for feedback on our activities and work-in-progress relating to responsible evaluation practices, to give a sounding board for colleagues to share their own experiences and dilemmas, and to facilitate outreach and further communications between CWTS and academic leaders, research managers, science policy makers, funding agencies, and publishers.

Areas of interest

Important areas of interest for the Responsible Evaluation thematic hub include:

  • Tracking and discussing rapidly emerging changes in efforts to reform individual researcher assessment, university rankings, journal evaluation, funding allocation, and institutional assessments.
  • To track and interrogate the implementation of recently proposed interventions for responsible evaluation, such as Narrative CVs, Credit Author System, open citation infrastructures etc.
  • To critically engage with and contribute to initiatives aimed at promoting responsible evaluation practices around the world.

The Responsible Evaluation hub meets bi-monthly and is open to CWTS staff. For more information about our activities, please contact Alex Rushforth.

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