Centre for Science and Technology Studies Centre for Science and Technology Studies 2333AL Leiden Zuid Holland 31715273909
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  • Ludo Waltman awarded the Derek de Solla Price Medal

Ludo Waltman awarded the Derek de Solla Price Medal

March 30th, 2021

Derek de Solla Price MedalLudo Waltman, professor of Quantitative Science Studies at CWTS, has been awarded the Derek de Solla Price Medal. The Medal is awarded biannually by the journal Scientometrics to a researcher that has made an outstanding contribution to the field of quantitative studies of science. Waltman is the third CWTS researcher receiving the Medal. The earlier awardees from CWTS are Ton van Raan (1995) and Henk Moed (1999).

Waltman is “very honored” to receive the Medal: “It recognizes the work done not just by myself but by the entire team of CWTS. My work has benefited enormously from the stimulating and intellectually inspiring environment that we have built together at CWTS and that I feel privileged to be part of. I want to mention in particular my CWTS colleague and longtime collaborator Nees Jan van Eck, who has played a key role in many of my research projects.”

Sarah de Rijcke, scientific director of CWTS, says: “We are very proud of Ludo. The Medal is a wonderful recognition of the strong tradition in scientometrics that he has helped strengthen and taken to greater heights with colleagues at CWTS, and with our many collaborators in the Netherlands and abroad.” Ed Noyons, deputy director of CWTS, adds: “Ludo has been the initiator of many developments in the field and at CWTS. His personality and drive are key factors for what he has achieved and for what is still in store. He is a role model for many of us.”

The award ceremony will take place at the conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) organized virtually in Leuven, Belgium on July 12-15, 2021.

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