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Date created: May 18, 2013
Citation impact report based on Web of Science indexed publications of Anthony F.J. van Raan in the period 1982-2013. Publications of all document types are included. All citations are counted except for self citations. Citation impact statistics are reported without field normalization.
Number of publications | 100 | |||
Number of citations | Total: | 2324 | Per publication: | 23.24 |
Number of publications with ≥ 10 citations | Total: | 59 | Percentage: | 59.0% |
Number of unique citing publications | 1577 | |||
Number of unique citing authors | 2140 | |||
Number of author self citations | 223 | |||
Number of co-author self citations | 50 |
Journal | Citations |
scientometrics | 738 |
journal of the american society for information science and technology | 265 |
journal of informetrics | 170 |
research evaluation | 122 |
research policy | 64 |
information processing & management | 49 |
annual review of information science and technology | 47 |
journal of information science | 32 |
journal of the american society for information science | 29 |
journal of documentation | 28 |
plos one | 25 |
revista espanola de documentacion cientifica | 16 |
r & d management | 15 |
technological forecasting and social change | 12 |
current science | 11 |
medicina clinica | 11 |
profesional de la informacion | 11 |
basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology | 10 |
expert systems with applications | 10 |
proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america | 10 |
library trends | 8 |
online information review | 8 |
proceedings of the asist annual meeting | 8 |
energy education science and technology part a-energy science and research | 7 |
european journal of operational research | 7 |
higher education | 7 |
international journal of management reviews | 7 |
lecture notes in computer science | 7 |
libri | 7 |
malaysian journal of library & information science | 7 |
technovation | 7 |
college & research libraries | 6 |
current contents | 6 |
physical review e | 6 |
technology analysis & strategic management | 6 |
aslib proceedings | 5 |
canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere | 5 |
information-an international interdisciplinary journal | 5 |
international forum on information and documentation | 5 |
journal of the american medical informatics association | 5 |
nature | 5 |
strategic management journal | 5 |
british journal for the philosophy of science | 4 |
czechoslovak journal of physics | 4 |
economia politica | 4 |
energy education science and technology part b-social and educational studies | 4 |
environmental conservation | 4 |
european political science | 4 |
ieee transactions on engineering management | 4 |
information research-an international electronic journal | 4 |
international journal of forecasting | 4 |
journal of the taiwan institute of chemical engineers | 4 |
learned publishing | 4 |
library quarterly | 4 |
mathematical and computer modelling | 4 |
minerva | 4 |
netherlands heart journal | 4 |
physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications | 4 |
radiology | 4 |
research in higher education | 4 |
science technology & human values | 4 |
series-journal of the spanish economic association | 4 |
social studies of science | 4 |
american journal of economics and sociology | 3 |
asist monograph series | 3 |
british journal of management | 3 |
canadian journal of information and library science-revue canadienne des sciences de l information et de bibliotheconomie | 3 |
chemical physics letters | 3 |
european physical journal b | 3 |
harvard review of psychiatry | 3 |
informacao & sociedade-estudos | 3 |
information visualization | 3 |
international journal of technology management | 3 |
international journal of uncertainty fuzziness and knowledge-based systems | 3 |
journal of applied economics | 3 |
journal of construction engineering and management-asce | 3 |
journal of evolutionary economics | 3 |
journal of sociology | 3 |
medical & biological engineering & computing | 3 |
new journal of physics | 3 |
research on social work practice | 3 |
scientific reports | 3 |
small business economics | 3 |
academic medicine | 2 |
african journal of business management | 2 |
american psychologist | 2 |
anesthesia and analgesia | 2 |
angewandte chemie-international edition | 2 |
annalen der physik | 2 |
annals of regional science | 2 |
annual review of sociology | 2 |
arbor-ciencia pensamiento y cultura | 2 |
archivum immunologiae et therapiae experimentalis | 2 |
berliner journal fur soziologie | 2 |
bioscience | 2 |
bmc medical research methodology | 2 |
bmc medicine | 2 |
brazilian journal of medical and biological research | 2 |
british medical journal | 2 |
chemical engineering science | 2 |
chemical physics | 2 |
chinese science bulletin | 2 |
croatian medical journal | 2 |
dyna-colombia | 2 |
economic journal | 2 |
electronic library | 2 |
epl | 2 |
ethics and information technology | 2 |
european accounting review | 2 |
european journal of marketing | 2 |
european physical journal-special topics | 2 |
evaluation review | 2 |
futures | 2 |
health research policy and systems | 2 |
higher education policy | 2 |
higher education quarterly | 2 |
information systems research | 2 |
innovar-revista de ciencias administrativas y sociales | 2 |
innovation-management policy & practice | 2 |
interciencia | 2 |
international journal of medical informatics | 2 |
international journal of operations & production management | 2 |
investigacion bibliotecologica | 2 |
journal of academic librarianship | 2 |
journal of animal and veterinary advances | 2 |
journal of internal medicine | 2 |
journal of nanoparticle research | 2 |
journal of policy analysis and management | 2 |
journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry | 2 |
journal of technology transfer | 2 |
journal of the medical library association | 2 |
journal of the operational research society | 2 |
knowledge management research & practice | 2 |
kolner zeitschrift fur soziologie und sozialpsychologie | 2 |
nachrichten fur dokumentation | 2 |
oikos | 2 |
organization science | 2 |
plastic and reconstructive surgery | 2 |
politische vierteljahresschrift | 2 |
psicothema | 2 |
psychologica belgica | 2 |
psychologische rundschau | 2 |
revista clinica espanola | 2 |
revista de la facultad de ciencias agrarias | 2 |
south african journal of science | 2 |
spanish journal of psychology | 2 |
strahlentherapie und onkologie | 2 |
swiss medical weekly | 2 |
trends in biochemical sciences | 2 |
trends in biotechnology | 2 |
wirtschaftsinformatik | 2 |
zdravniski vestnik-slovenian medical journal | 2 |
accountability in research-policies and quality assurance | 1 |
acm transactions on knowledge discovery from data | 1 |
acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica | 1 |
acta oeconomica | 1 |
acta orthopaedica scandinavica | 1 |
acta sociologica | 1 |
actual problems of economics | 1 |
advances in atomic and molecular physics | 1 |
advances in complex systems | 1 |
advances in physics | 1 |
advances in strategic management-a research annual | 1 |
allergy | 1 |
american journal of agricultural economics | 1 |
american journal of emergency medicine | 1 |
american journal of evaluation | 1 |
american journal of pharmaceutical education | 1 |
anaesthesia and intensive care | 1 |
analytical and bioanalytical chemistry | 1 |
annales de dermatologie et de venereologie | 1 |
annals of anatomy-anatomischer anzeiger | 1 |
annals of medicine | 1 |
antioxidants & redox signaling | 1 |
applied microbiology and biotechnology | 1 |
applied rheology | 1 |
asia pacific journal of education | 1 |
atmospheric environment | 1 |
australian journal of psychology | 1 |
bilig | 1 |
biochemia medica | 1 |
biodemography and social biology | 1 |
bioessays | 1 |
biological research for nursing | 1 |
bmc bioinformatics | 1 |
brazilian journal of biology | 1 |
bulletin of the medical library association | 1 |
cambridge journal of economics | 1 |
cardiovascular research | 1 |
chaos solitons & fractals | 1 |
chinese physics letters | 1 |
cirugia espanola | 1 |
clinical oral implants research | 1 |
clinics | 1 |
cognition & emotion | 1 |
columbia law review | 1 |
communications-european journal of communication research | 1 |
compare-a journal of comparative and international education | 1 |
comunicacion y sociedad | 1 |
conservation biology | 1 |
control engineering and applied informatics | 1 |
cortex | 1 |
cuadernos de economia y direccion de la empresa | 1 |
cultura y educacion | 1 |
current nanoscience | 1 |
current topics in medicinal chemistry | 1 |
danish medical bulletin | 1 |
development policy review | 1 |
drustvena istrazivanja | 1 |
economic inquiry | 1 |
ekonomicky casopis | 1 |
electronic markets | 1 |
embo reports | 1 |
emergencias | 1 |
energy | 1 |
engineering applications of artificial intelligence | 1 |
environmental education research | 1 |
environmental modelling & software | 1 |
environmental science & policy | 1 |
ethical perspectives | 1 |
etri journal | 1 |
european archives of oto-rhino-laryngology | 1 |
european journal of clinical investigation | 1 |
european journal of clinical pharmacology | 1 |
european journal of combinatorics | 1 |
european journal of organic chemistry | 1 |
european journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine | 1 |
european journal of social psychology | 1 |
european planning studies | 1 |
evaluation and program planning | 1 |
faseb journal | 1 |
forest ecology and management | 1 |
frontiers in computational neuroscience | 1 |
gastroenterologia y hepatologia | 1 |
gender & society | 1 |
geography | 1 |
geophysics | 1 |
health policy | 1 |
herald of the russian academy of sciences | 1 |
hno | 1 |
iforest-biogeosciences and forestry | 1 |
industrial marketing management | 1 |
information communication & society | 1 |
information development | 1 |
information sciences | 1 |
interdisciplinary science reviews | 1 |
interfaces | 1 |
international business review | 1 |
international journal of communication | 1 |
international journal of dermatology | 1 |
international journal of eating disorders | 1 |
international journal of electrochemical science | 1 |
international journal of environment and pollution | 1 |
international journal of foundations of computer science | 1 |
international journal of human-computer studies | 1 |
international journal of hydrogen energy | 1 |
international journal of materials research | 1 |
international journal of nursing studies | 1 |
international political sociology | 1 |
international review of research in open and distance learning | 1 |
investigative radiology | 1 |
jahrbucher fur nationalokonomie und statistik | 1 |
journal of agricultural economics | 1 |
journal of aircraft | 1 |
journal of anesthesia | 1 |
journal of broadcasting & electronic media | 1 |
journal of chemical information and computer sciences | 1 |
journal of chemical information and modeling | 1 |
journal of chemical physics | 1 |
journal of cleaner production | 1 |
journal of clinical periodontology | 1 |
journal of colloid and interface science | 1 |
journal of communication | 1 |
journal of consumer research | 1 |
journal of critical care | 1 |
journal of economic dynamics & control | 1 |
journal of economic theory | 1 |
journal of engineering and technology management | 1 |
journal of engineering mechanics-asce | 1 |
journal of health services research & policy | 1 |
journal of human movement studies | 1 |
journal of intelligent information systems | 1 |
journal of marketing | 1 |
journal of mind and behavior | 1 |
journal of molecular spectroscopy | 1 |
journal of neurochemistry | 1 |
journal of operations management | 1 |
journal of personality and social psychology | 1 |
journal of physics b-atomic molecular and optical physics | 1 |
journal of planning education and research | 1 |
journal of scholarly publishing | 1 |
journal of scientific & industrial research | 1 |
journal of social work education | 1 |
journal of statistical mechanics-theory and experiment | 1 |
journal of the american geriatrics society | 1 |
journal of the american society for mass spectrometry | 1 |
journal of the association for information systems | 1 |
journal of the history of biology | 1 |
journal of the royal society of medicine | 1 |
knowledge organization | 1 |
lancet | 1 |
landscape and urban planning | 1 |
landscape research | 1 |
langenbecks archives of surgery | 1 |
language | 1 |
library & information science research | 1 |
library acquisitions-practice and theory | 1 |
library hi tech | 1 |
library resources & technical services | 1 |
m s-medecine sciences | 1 |
marine and freshwater research | 1 |
mathematical social sciences | 1 |
medical education | 1 |
medical hypotheses | 1 |
medizinische klinik | 1 |
meta | 1 |
nachrichten aus der chemie | 1 |
nefrologia | 1 |
neural regeneration research | 1 |
new journal of chemistry | 1 |
nordic journal of psychiatry | 1 |
omega-international journal of management science | 1 |
organizational research methods | 1 |
perspectivas em ciencia da informacao | 1 |
physica status solidi b-basic solid state physics | 1 |
physical review letters | 1 |
physics today | 1 |
physics world | 1 |
plant biotechnology journal | 1 |
polish journal of environmental studies | 1 |
political studies review | 1 |
presse medicale | 1 |
proceedings of the asis annual meeting | 1 |
ps-political science & politics | 1 |
psychological reports | 1 |
public administration | 1 |
publishing research quarterly | 1 |
quality and reliability engineering international | 1 |
reference & user services quarterly | 1 |
renewable energy | 1 |
review of higher education | 1 |
review of policy research | 1 |
revista brasileira de psiquiatria | 1 |
revista chilena de historia natural | 1 |
revista de biologia tropical | 1 |
revista de educacion | 1 |
revista de neurologia | 1 |
revista de saude publica | 1 |
revista espanola de cardiologia | 1 |
revista espanola de enfermedades digestivas | 1 |
revista medica de chile | 1 |
revue d histoire moderne et contemporaine | 1 |
rheumatology | 1 |
rheumatology international | 1 |
science and public policy | 1 |
science china-physics mechanics & astronomy | 1 |
science communication | 1 |
science of the total environment | 1 |
serials review | 1 |
service industries journal | 1 |
social networks | 1 |
social service review | 1 |
social work in health care | 1 |
sociologija i prostor | 1 |
sociologisk forskning | 1 |
spanish economic review | 1 |
strojarstvo | 1 |
target-international journal of translation studies | 1 |
telecommunications policy | 1 |
therapie | 1 |
toxicology | 1 |
transportation journal | 1 |
trends in ecology & evolution | 1 |
tropical medicine & international health | 1 |
ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology | 1 |
west indian medical journal | 1 |
wiley interdisciplinary reviews-data mining and knowledge discovery | 1 |
zeitschrift fur erziehungswissenschaft | 1 |
zeitschrift fur physik a-hadrons and nuclei | 1 |
zeitschrift fur physik d-atoms molecules and clusters | 1 |
Field | Citations |
information science & library science | 1588 |
computer science, interdisciplinary applications | 753 |
computer science, information systems | 458 |
management | 149 |
planning & development | 82 |
multidisciplinary sciences | 66 |
business | 62 |
economics | 42 |
medicine, general & internal | 35 |
operations research & management science | 33 |
education & educational research | 32 |
physics, multidisciplinary | 23 |
sociology | 21 |
computer science, artificial intelligence | 16 |
engineering, industrial | 16 |
psychology, multidisciplinary | 15 |
engineering, chemical | 14 |
pharmacology & pharmacy | 14 |
engineering, multidisciplinary | 13 |
health care sciences & services | 13 |
history & philosophy of science | 13 |
engineering, electrical & electronic | 12 |
environmental sciences | 12 |
political science | 11 |
toxicology | 11 |
medical informatics | 10 |
biology | 9 |
computer science, theory & methods | 9 |
physics, atomic, molecular & chemical | 9 |
chemistry, physical | 8 |
communication | 8 |
computer science, software engineering | 8 |
ecology | 8 |
education, scientific disciplines | 8 |
physics, mathematical | 8 |
radiology, nuclear medicine & medical imaging | 8 |
social sciences, interdisciplinary | 8 |
biochemistry & molecular biology | 7 |
chemistry, multidisciplinary | 7 |
forestry | 7 |
public administration | 7 |
biodiversity conservation | 6 |
biotechnology & applied microbiology | 6 |
cardiac & cardiovascular systems | 6 |
environmental studies | 6 |
geography | 6 |
physics, fluids & plasmas | 6 |
social work | 6 |
anesthesiology | 5 |
mathematical & computational biology | 5 |
medicine, research & experimental | 5 |
physics, condensed matter | 5 |
psychiatry | 5 |
social issues | 5 |
chemistry, analytical | 4 |
engineering, biomedical | 4 |
health policy & services | 4 |
mathematics, applied | 4 |
neurosciences | 4 |
psychology, social | 4 |
surgery | 4 |
biochemical research methods | 3 |
cell biology | 3 |
construction & building technology | 3 |
energy & fuels | 3 |
engineering, civil | 3 |
ethics | 3 |
humanities, multidisciplinary | 3 |
immunology | 3 |
language & linguistics theory | 3 |
materials science, multidisciplinary | 3 |
mathematics, interdisciplinary applications | 3 |
nanoscience & nanotechnology | 3 |
nuclear science & technology | 3 |
philosophy | 3 |
urban studies | 3 |
agricultural economics & policy | 2 |
agriculture, multidisciplinary | 2 |
automation & control systems | 2 |
business, finance | 2 |
chemistry, inorganic & nuclear | 2 |
critical care medicine | 2 |
dentistry/oral surgery & medicine | 2 |
dermatology | 2 |
electrochemistry | 2 |
emergency medicine | 2 |
engineering, environmental | 2 |
engineering, mechanical | 2 |
gastroenterology & hepatology | 2 |
linguistics | 2 |
mechanics | 2 |
nursing | 2 |
oncology | 2 |
otorhinolaryngology | 2 |
psychology, experimental | 2 |
public, environmental & occupational health | 2 |
rheumatology | 2 |
social sciences, mathematical methods | 2 |
spectroscopy | 2 |
telecommunications | 2 |
veterinary sciences | 2 |
acoustics | 1 |
allergy | 1 |
anatomy & morphology | 1 |
anthropology | 1 |
area studies | 1 |
behavioral sciences | 1 |
chemistry, medicinal | 1 |
chemistry, organic | 1 |
clinical neurology | 1 |
computer science, cybernetics | 1 |
demography | 1 |
endocrinology & metabolism | 1 |
engineering, aerospace | 1 |
ergonomics | 1 |
evolutionary biology | 1 |
fisheries | 1 |
genetics & heredity | 1 |
geochemistry & geophysics | 1 |
geography, physical | 1 |
geriatrics & gerontology | 1 |
gerontology | 1 |
history | 1 |
international relations | 1 |
law | 1 |
limnology | 1 |
marine & freshwater biology | 1 |
mathematics | 1 |
medical ethics | 1 |
medical laboratory technology | 1 |
metallurgy & metallurgical engineering | 1 |
meteorology & atmospheric sciences | 1 |
obstetrics & gynecology | 1 |
oceanography | 1 |
optics | 1 |
orthopedics | 1 |
physics, nuclear | 1 |
physics, particles & fields | 1 |
plant sciences | 1 |
psychology, applied | 1 |
rehabilitation | 1 |
social sciences, biomedical | 1 |
sport sciences | 1 |
thermodynamics | 1 |
transportation | 1 |
tropical medicine | 1 |
urology & nephrology | 1 |
women's studies | 1 |
Author | Citations |
leydesdorff, l | 94 |
glanzel, w | 43 |
abramo, g | 41 |
thelwall, m | 40 |
bornmann, l | 39 |
d'angelo, ca | 39 |
rousseau, r | 35 |
egghe, l | 33 |
bordons, m | 31 |
kostoff, rn | 30 |
ding, y | 27 |
mccain, kw | 26 |
daniel, hd | 25 |
oppenheim, c | 25 |
vinkler, p | 25 |
zitt, m | 25 |
bar-ilan, j | 23 |
chen, cm | 23 |
van eck, nj | 23 |
opthof, t | 22 |
debackere, k | 21 |
porter, al | 20 |
ruiz-castillo, j | 20 |
schubert, a | 20 |
aksnes, dw | 19 |
guan, jc | 19 |
huang, mh | 19 |
waltman, l | 19 |
bassecoulard, e | 18 |
lariviere, v | 18 |
schneider, jw | 18 |
su, hn | 18 |
white, hd | 18 |
costas, r | 17 |
di costa, f | 17 |
gingras, y | 17 |
laudel, g | 17 |
rafols, i | 17 |
de moor, b | 16 |
de moya-anegon, f | 16 |
wilson, cs | 16 |
chowdhury, gg | 15 |
foo, s | 15 |
herrera, f | 15 |
lee, pc | 15 |
thijs, b | 15 |
boyack, kw | 14 |
franceschini, f | 14 |
janssens, f | 14 |
lee, s | 14 |
levitt, jm | 14 |
moed, hf | 14 |
tijssen, rjw | 14 |
van leeuwen, tn | 14 |
glaser, j | 13 |
luwel, m | 13 |
maisano, d | 13 |
sugimoto, cr | 13 |
vargas-quesada, b | 13 |
herrera-viedma, e | 12 |
ho, ys | 12 |
lepair, c | 12 |
meyer, m | 12 |
hellgardt, k | 11 |
jarneving, b | 11 |
konur, o | 11 |
meho, li | 11 |
prathap, g | 11 |
rons, n | 11 |
shama, g | 11 |
small, h | 11 |
van den besselaar, p | 11 |
verbeek, a | 11 |
borner, k | 10 |
chang, yw | 10 |
chinchilla-rodriguez, z | 10 |
frandsen, tf | 10 |
gomez, i | 10 |
jimenez-contreras, e | 10 |
morillo, f | 10 |
park, y | 10 |
persson, o | 10 |
seglen, po | 10 |
wallin, ja | 10 |
cobo, mj | 9 |
lewison, g | 9 |
lopez-herrera, ag | 9 |
mingers, j | 9 |
moehrle, mg | 9 |
zhou, p | 9 |
albarran, p | 8 |
berche, b | 8 |
bouyssou, d | 8 |
chen, dz | 8 |
courtial, jp | 8 |
garg, kc | 8 |
guerrero-bote, vp | 8 |
juznic, p | 8 |
kajikawa, y | 8 |
kenna, r | 8 |
martin, br | 8 |
marx, w | 8 |
milojevic, s | 8 |
peclin, s | 8 |
sanz-casado, e | 8 |
van looy, b | 8 |
wang, mh | 8 |
zimmermann, e | 8 |
ahlgren, p | 7 |
amaral, lan | 7 |
burrell, ql | 7 |
butler, l | 7 |
cicero, t | 7 |
coronini, r | 7 |
kwakkel, jh | 7 |
liu, xh | 7 |
milman, bl | 7 |
moya-anegon, f | 7 |
nederhof, aj | 7 |
noyons, ecm | 7 |
ramanana-rahary, s | 7 |
rey-rocha, j | 7 |
scharnhorst, a | 7 |
schmoch, u | 7 |
schubert, t | 7 |
takeda, y | 7 |
yoon, b | 7 |
zhang, l | 7 |
zulueta, ma | 7 |
bailon-moreno, r | 6 |
borlund, p | 6 |
costantini, a | 6 |
cronin, b | 6 |
cunningham, sw | 6 |
delooze, ma | 6 |
eberhart, hj | 6 |
glenisson, p | 6 |
guerras-martin, la | 6 |
harries, g | 6 |
he, y | 6 |
herranz, n | 6 |
hinze, s | 6 |
ingwersen, p | 6 |
jeremic, v | 6 |
leta, j | 6 |
liang, lm | 6 |
ma, n | 6 |
marchant, t | 6 |
martin-sempere, mj | 6 |
matsushima, k | 6 |
mohammadi, e | 6 |
morris, sa | 6 |
mutz, r | 6 |
ni, cq | 6 |
norris, m | 6 |
ortuno, i | 6 |
osareh, f | 6 |
reale, e | 6 |
rigby, j | 6 |
ronda-pupo, ga | 6 |
rost, k | 6 |
ruiz-banos, r | 6 |
shibata, n | 6 |
toothman, dr | 6 |
torres-salinas, d | 6 |
tseng, yh | 6 |
upham, sp | 6 |
van leeuwen, t | 6 |
wang, j | 6 |
willett, p | 6 |
yan, ej | 6 |
acosta, m | 5 |
amez, l | 5 |
barrigon, s | 5 |
bonaccorsi, a | 5 |
bonitz, m | 5 |
chuang, ky | 5 |
corera-alvarez, e | 5 |
coronado, d | 5 |
corsi, m | 5 |
crespo, ja | 5 |
dabros, a | 5 |
demsar, f | 5 |
d'ippoliti, c | 5 |
dore, jc | 5 |
engels, tce | 5 |
faba-perez, c | 5 |
fortunato, s | 5 |
franceschet, m | 5 |
fu, hz | 5 |
gavrilova, ya | 5 |
gonzalez-albo, b | 5 |
hickey, gm | 5 |
ioannidis, jpa | 5 |
irvine, j | 5 |
jacso, p | 5 |
jin, bh | 5 |
kaur, j | 5 |
klenk, nl | 5 |
kousha, k | 5 |
lucidi, f | 5 |
ma, rm | 5 |
macri, f | 5 |
mandelj, t | 5 |
mangematin, v | 5 |
mattsson, jt | 5 |
miquel, jf | 5 |
morris, ta | 5 |
okubo, y | 5 |
padhi, p | 5 |
perc, m | 5 |
petrovici, d | 5 |
prpic, k | 5 |
pusnik, m | 5 |
qiu, jp | 5 |
radicchi, f | 5 |
rikken, f | 5 |
robinson-garcia, n | 5 |
roessner, jd | 5 |
sandstrom, u | 5 |
schildt, ha | 5 |
sivertsen, g | 5 |
suarez-balseiro, c | 5 |
tang, r | 5 |
thomas, pr | 5 |
tsai, hh | 5 |
van den berg, j | 5 |
vaughan, l | 5 |
vos, r | 5 |
walter, l | 5 |
wu, j | 5 |
zaucer, m | 5 |
andras, p | 4 |
benda, wgg | 4 |
bergmann, i | 4 |
billaut, jc | 4 |
bollen, j | 4 |
borgman, cl | 4 |
bouabid, h | 4 |
bulajic, m | 4 |
cabezas-clavijo, a | 4 |
cantos-mateos, g | 4 |
castellano, c | 4 |
cheng, tw | 4 |
cohen, k | 4 |
colliander, c | 4 |
czerwon, hj | 4 |
demtroder, w | 4 |
docampo, d | 4 |
fernandez, mt | 4 |
fitzsimmons, c | 4 |
furner, j | 4 |
gao, x | 4 |
garcia-valderrama, t | 4 |
garcia-zorita, c | 4 |
garfield, e | 4 |
geisler, e | 4 |
gomes, janf | 4 |
goodall, ah | 4 |
groot, t | 4 |
grupp, h | 4 |
hedman, j | 4 |
hemmerling, b | 4 |
hendrix, d | 4 |
hicks, cc | 4 |
hicks, d | 4 |
hunt, ge | 4 |
jurado-alameda, e | 4 |
kiers, hal | 4 |
kivinen, o | 4 |
klavans, r | 4 |
lambiotte, r | 4 |
lee, hj | 4 |
lehrl, s | 4 |
lepori, b | 4 |
lin, yi | 4 |
lindsey, d | 4 |
lopez-illescas, c | 4 |
machery, e | 4 |
martic, m | 4 |
nicolaisen, j | 4 |
ojasoo, t | 4 |
ortega, jl | 4 |
pichappan, p | 4 |
piro, f | 4 |
plomp, r | 4 |
polunin, nvc | 4 |
qin, j | 4 |
radojicic, z | 4 |
rezaie, s | 4 |
rodriguez-navarro, a | 4 |
rojas-sola, ji | 4 |
rorstad, k | 4 |
rosenkopf, l | 4 |
roth, c | 4 |
schier, h | 4 |
schreiber, m | 4 |
solazzi, m | 4 |
spurling, th | 4 |
stanley, he | 4 |
ugolini, d | 4 |
ungar, lh | 4 |
vieira, es | 4 |
viel, f | 4 |
vincke, p | 4 |
visser, ms | 4 |
vlachy, j | 4 |
wagner, cs | 4 |
walter, g | 4 |
watkins, ds | 4 |
wilkinson, d | 4 |
woeginger, gj | 4 |
ye, fy | 4 |
adams, j | 3 |
aguillo, if | 3 |
aleixandre, r | 3 |
alger, j | 3 |
alonso, s | 3 |
anegon, fd | 3 |
archambault, e | 3 |
ausloos, m | 3 |
barbara, a | 3 |
barjak, f | 3 |
bjorneborn, l | 3 |
brunk, gg | 3 |
budd, jm | 3 |
butzke, d | 3 |
cabrerizo, fj | 3 |
callaert, j | 3 |
callon, m | 3 |
cami, j | 3 |
chan, ty | 3 |
chang, hw | 3 |
charlton, bg | 3 |
cleary, m | 3 |
cohen, as | 3 |
corley, ea | 3 |
daemen, f | 3 |
danell, r | 3 |
de jong, spl | 3 |
de sompel, hv | 3 |
de visscher, a | 3 |
de witte, k | 3 |
dekker, r | 3 |
del rio, ja | 3 |
dorta-gonzalez, mi | 3 |
dorta-gonzalez, p | 3 |
eom, yh | 3 |
erdmann, va | 3 |
eto, h | 3 |
evangelou, e | 3 |
fdez-valdivia, j | 3 |
fetscherin, m | 3 |
flammini, a | 3 |
formosinho, sj | 3 |
frey, bs | 3 |
fuerste, jp | 3 |
fukuzawa, n | 3 |
garcia, ce | 3 |
geuna, a | 3 |
gomez-sancho, jm | 3 |
gonzalez-molina, a | 3 |
graeml, ar | 3 |
groenewegen, p | 3 |
guerrero-bote, v | 3 |
gunnarsson, m | 3 |
hammarfelt, b | 3 |
herrero-solana, v | 3 |
hirsch, je | 3 |
hoerman, hl | 3 |
ida, t | 3 |
inzelt, a | 3 |
jackson, ad | 3 |
jacobs, ja | 3 |
jeannin, p | 3 |
katsaros, d | 3 |
kim, j | 3 |
kim, ms | 3 |
king, j | 3 |
klein, jt | 3 |
krestin, gp | 3 |
lau, cgy | 3 |
lautrup, be | 3 |
lee, g | 3 |
lee, yy | 3 |
lehmann, s | 3 |
li, j | 3 |
li, z | 3 |
lin, x | 3 |
luukkonen, t | 3 |
macada, ma | 3 |
magerman, t | 3 |
maier, g | 3 |
mancebon-torrubia, mj | 3 |
markpin, t | 3 |
mccain, k | 3 |
menczer, f | 3 |
moreno, l | 3 |
morris, t | 3 |
nagpaul, ps | 3 |
narin, f | 3 |
navarro, a | 3 |
neuhaus, c | 3 |
newman, nc | 3 |
nilsson, a | 3 |
nowicke, ce | 3 |
noyons, e | 3 |
olmeda-gomez, c | 3 |
onodera, n | 3 |
ottino, jm | 3 |
pais, aacc | 3 |
pan, yt | 3 |
perianes-rodriguez, a | 3 |
perreault, m | 3 |
petrak, j | 3 |
pettersson, i | 3 |
pietroforte, r | 3 |
pinero, jml | 3 |
pouris, a | 3 |
premkamolnetr, n | 3 |
qian, wz | 3 |
qiu, lx | 3 |
quoniam, l | 3 |
ratchatahirun, p | 3 |
reedijk, j | 3 |
rodriguez-sanchez, r | 3 |
rogers, y | 3 |
rogge, n | 3 |
rossoni, l | 3 |
russell, tg | 3 |
sanchez, c | 3 |
sandstrom, a | 3 |
sanz-menendez, l | 3 |
schiebel, e | 3 |
shin, jc | 3 |
sombatsompop, n | 3 |
song, ch | 3 |
stefani, tp | 3 |
sun, xl | 3 |
tatsioni, a | 3 |
taxt, re | 3 |
teichert, t | 3 |
teixeira, aac | 3 |
terrada, ml | 3 |
vain, p | 3 |
van arensbergen, p | 3 |
van bochove, ca | 3 |
van campenhout, g | 3 |
van caneghem, t | 3 |
van der meulen, b | 3 |
vieira, pc | 3 |
von wartburg, i | 3 |
waaijer, cjf | 3 |
wagnerdobler, r | 3 |
white, h | 3 |
wilde, aam | 3 |
wongkaew, c | 3 |
wu, fs | 3 |
wu, fx | 3 |
wu, ys | 3 |
xu, j | 3 |
yang, k | 3 |
yang, lq | 3 |
yin, cy | 3 |
yochai, w | 3 |
yu, q | 3 |
yu, wf | 3 |
zhao, dz | 3 |
zhong, yf | 3 |
abatemarco, a | 2 |
abraham, j | 2 |
ackermann, e | 2 |
ahn, s | 2 |
akritidis, l | 2 |
aleixandre-benavent, r | 2 |
al-laham, a | 2 |
alloro, g | 2 |
almeida, jas | 2 |
alvarez, p | 2 |
amano, k | 2 |
amburgey, tl | 2 |
aminpour, f | 2 |
antolin, mn | 2 |
aparicio, j | 2 |
arencibia-jorge, r | 2 |
aris, mj | 2 |
arreto, cd | 2 |
auranen, o | 2 |
averch, ha | 2 |
aznar, j | 2 |
bakri, a | 2 |
barker, k | 2 |
barthelemy, m | 2 |
bean, kf | 2 |
beckstead, jw | 2 |
berendt, b | 2 |
bettencourt, lma | 2 |
blatt, em | 2 |
bombach, r | 2 |
boroumand, ma | 2 |
bozanis, p | 2 |
bozeman, b | 2 |
bozikov, j | 2 |
braam, r | 2 |
brandt, t | 2 |
braun, t | 2 |
bravo, c | 2 |
brown, c | 2 |
bruun, h | 2 |
brysbaert, m | 2 |
buela-casal, g | 2 |
burchinsky, sg | 2 |
buter, rk | 2 |
byeon, sc | 2 |
campanario, jm | 2 |
caprasecca, a | 2 |
casado, es | 2 |
castro-martinez, e | 2 |
chang, pl | 2 |
chen, hc | 2 |
chen, kh | 2 |
chen, mj | 2 |
chen, x | 2 |
cheung, cf | 2 |
chichester, c | 2 |
choi, h | 2 |
choi, jy | 2 |
coccia, m | 2 |
cointet, jp | 2 |
contopoulos-ioannidis, dg | 2 |
cornelis, j | 2 |
corrocher, n | 2 |
costa, ld | 2 |
cozzarin, bp | 2 |
cozzens, se | 2 |
cribbin, t | 2 |
czarnitzki, d | 2 |
dalimi, m | 2 |
d'angelo, c | 2 |
daraio, c | 2 |
dastidar, pg | 2 |
davidson, gs | 2 |
de bruyn, a | 2 |
de filippo, d | 2 |
de filippo, da | 2 |
de haan, j | 2 |
de marchi, m | 2 |
de pedro-cuesta, j | 2 |
de san-antonio-gomez, c | 2 |
de silva, ed | 2 |
de silva, mat | 2 |
delgado-lopez-cozar, e | 2 |
dell'anno, r | 2 |
desantes, jm | 2 |
dolfsma, w | 2 |
dou, h | 2 |
duplenko, yk | 2 |
edler, j | 2 |
elmajid, z | 2 |
engelke, f | 2 |
englisch, h | 2 |
evans, ts | 2 |
feller, i | 2 |
figueredo-gaspari, e | 2 |
filliatreau, g | 2 |
finlay, sc | 2 |
foss, nj | 2 |
franceschi, d | 2 |
frickel, s | 2 |
frigotto, ml | 2 |
fry, g | 2 |
galetto, m | 2 |
galvez, c | 2 |
gantman, er | 2 |
garcia, ja | 2 |
garcia-aracil, a | 2 |
garcia-perez, ma | 2 |
garner, j | 2 |
garud, r | 2 |
garzon-garcia, b | 2 |
gaudy, jf | 2 |
geritz, a | 2 |
gerken, jm | 2 |
gimenez-toledo, e | 2 |
gisbert, jp | 2 |
goldstone, rl | 2 |
golosovsky, m | 2 |
gonzalez-alvarez, n | 2 |
gopikrishnan, p | 2 |
gordon, a | 2 |
gorria, p | 2 |
graillot-gak, c | 2 |
grant, j | 2 |
guerrero, e | 2 |
gurney, k | 2 |
gurney, t | 2 |
haeffner-cavaillon, n | 2 |
hage, jj | 2 |
han, wd | 2 |
hart, pw | 2 |
hassan, e | 2 |
hatzakis, a | 2 |
hayashi, t | 2 |
heersmink, r | 2 |
heimeriks, g | 2 |
hejazi, ss | 2 |
hellsten, i | 2 |
hibino, a | 2 |
hodge, dr | 2 |
holden, g | 2 |
hood, ww | 2 |
hoorens, s | 2 |
hopkins, n | 2 |
horlings, e | 2 |
horta, h | 2 |
hukkinen, j | 2 |
humenik, ja | 2 |
hung, wc | 2 |
hunter, rs | 2 |
hussinger, k | 2 |
huutoniemi, k | 2 |
ioannidis, jp | 2 |
iribarren-maestro, i | 2 |
ittiritmeechai, s | 2 |
iwasawa, m | 2 |
jackson, l | 2 |
jankovic, mp | 2 |
jansen, d | 2 |
jeong, s | 2 |
jimenez-saez, f | 2 |
jin, jh | 2 |
johnes, g | 2 |
joo, sh | 2 |
jovanovic, m | 2 |
kabiri, p | 2 |
kaipainen, p | 2 |
kaiser, di | 2 |
kaltenborn, kf | 2 |
kang, j | 2 |
kang, js | 2 |
karypis, g | 2 |
katz, js | 2 |
kaube, bs | 2 |
kaufmann, m | 2 |
kavvoura, fk | 2 |
kaza, s | 2 |
keshtkar, aa | 2 |
kim, cm | 2 |
kim, k | 2 |
kim, y | 2 |
kindler, ch | 2 |
kirchik, o | 2 |
kiyama, y | 2 |
klaic, b | 2 |
klitkou, a | 2 |
kodama, t | 2 |
kon, m | 2 |
kongthon, a | 2 |
kopcsa, a | 2 |
kosmulski, m | 2 |
kotz, s | 2 |
kouri, i | 2 |
koytcheff, rg | 2 |
krampen, g | 2 |
kretschmer, h | 2 |
kuhn, k | 2 |
kuljis, j | 2 |
lacasse, jr | 2 |
landoni, p | 2 |
larsen, b | 2 |
lascurain-sanchez, ml | 2 |
lauf, e | 2 |
lazaridis, t | 2 |
lee, ch | 2 |
lee, fs | 2 |
lee, h | 2 |
lee, wh | 2 |
legentil, m | 2 |
lelu, a | 2 |
leu, hj | 2 |
levene, m | 2 |
li, df | 2 |
li, ja | 2 |
li, l | 2 |
liao, ch | 2 |
liberopoulos, g | 2 |
lin, cj | 2 |
linmans, ajm | 2 |
lisacek, f | 2 |
litscher, a | 2 |
liu, yx | 2 |
loonen, mpj | 2 |
lopez-cozar, ed | 2 |
lozano, s | 2 |
lyles, ma | 2 |
lyyra, am | 2 |
ma, fc | 2 |
macredie, r | 2 |
magri, mh | 2 |
mahlck, p | 2 |
malerba, f | 2 |
manana-rodriguez, j | 2 |
marion, ls | 2 |
markusova, v | 2 |
marshall, b | 2 |
martin, m | 2 |
martin-moreno, c | 2 |
maru, jt | 2 |
mastrogiacomo, l | 2 |
matia, k | 2 |
mcqueen, dh | 2 |
meadows, aj | 2 |
medina, cmc | 2 |
meyyappan, n | 2 |
midorikawa, n | 2 |
montobbio, f | 2 |
moon, yh | 2 |
morar, s | 2 |
moreau, y | 2 |
morgan, rp | 2 |
muller, s | 2 |
munch, r | 2 |
munoz-fernandez, fj | 2 |
nadarajah, s | 2 |
neff, mw | 2 |
nerkar, a | 2 |
nieri, m | 2 |
nightingale, p | 2 |
nygaard, s | 2 |
o'hare, a | 2 |
ohniwa, rl | 2 |
olivastro, d | 2 |
oliveira, on | 2 |
ootani, y | 2 |
origgi, g | 2 |
ortiz-rivera, l | 2 |
ortufno, i | 2 |
oswald, aj | 2 |
panes, j | 2 |
park, h | 2 |
park, s | 2 |
park, sc | 2 |
parodi, s | 2 |
patsopoulos, na | 2 |
pau, mrd | 2 |
paul, a | 2 |
peacock, t | 2 |
pini-prato, g | 2 |
plerou, v | 2 |
poti, b | 2 |
price, l | 2 |
primeri, e | 2 |
probst, c | 2 |
pulgarin, a | 2 |
pyon, cu | 2 |
quintanilla, ma | 2 |
raghuram, s | 2 |
rai, sb | 2 |
raman, v | 2 |
rao, ikr | 2 |
rao, yq | 2 |
redner, s | 2 |
riccaboni, m | 2 |
robert, c | 2 |
rocchi, m | 2 |
roessner, d | 2 |
rosenberg, g | 2 |
rosenberg, j | 2 |
rostaing, h | 2 |
rotto, e | 2 |
rozman, c | 2 |
ruch, p | 2 |
russell, j | 2 |
russell, jm | 2 |
saad, g | 2 |
salah, a | 2 |
salah, aaa | 2 |
saletta, d | 2 |
san-antonio-gomez, c | 2 |
sanchez-gonzalez, g | 2 |
sanderson, m | 2 |
sandstrom, e | 2 |
santi, l | 2 |
savic, g | 2 |
schank, t | 2 |
schlogl, c | 2 |
schoeneck, dj | 2 |
schwarz, aw | 2 |
schwarz, s | 2 |
sedig, kg | 2 |
seol, h | 2 |
shapira, p | 2 |
shaw, d | 2 |
shi, dn | 2 |
shin, j | 2 |
shirabe, m | 2 |
silverberg, g | 2 |
singh, a | 2 |
smyth, s | 2 |
soler, jm | 2 |
solomon, s | 2 |
sommerfeld, jt | 2 |
song, xy | 2 |
sonnenwald, dh | 2 |
sornette, d | 2 |
spasser, ma | 2 |
spirco, j | 2 |
spurgin, km | 2 |
srinivasan, r | 2 |
statzner, b | 2 |
stirling, a | 2 |
stroebe, w | 2 |
stwalley, wc | 2 |
subramanian, am | 2 |
summers, mac | 2 |
sun, xx | 2 |
sun, ym | 2 |
sypsa, v | 2 |
tabah, an | 2 |
takeyasu, k | 2 |
taylor, j | 2 |
tbahriti, i | 2 |
thissen, wah | 2 |
tian, l | 2 |
tomizawa, h | 2 |
tomov, dt | 2 |
torregrosa, aj | 2 |
tress, b | 2 |
tress, g | 2 |
tsaih, rh | 2 |
tsunoda, h | 2 |
tuertscher, p | 2 |
usunier, jc | 2 |
valderrama, jc | 2 |
van calster, b | 2 |
van den hoven, j | 2 |
van der veer martens, b | 2 |
vanclay, jk | 2 |
vanleeuwen, tn | 2 |
vargas, j | 2 |
verganti, r | 2 |
vidal, j | 2 |
vinther, s | 2 |
volberda, hw | 2 |
wagner, c | 2 |
walker, we | 2 |
wallace, ml | 2 |
wallmark, jt | 2 |
wang, gb | 2 |
wang, h | 2 |
wang, jc | 2 |
wang, wm | 2 |
wang, yl | 2 |
weingart, p | 2 |
wolfram, d | 2 |
wong, pk | 2 |
wouters, p | 2 |
wu, cc | 2 |
wylie, bn | 2 |
xu, f | 2 |
yamazaki, s | 2 |
yan, e | 2 |
yang, ly | 2 |
yang, yh | 2 |
yapa, g | 2 |
yen, hr | 2 |
yoon, j | 2 |
yoshikane, f | 2 |
yu, lp | 2 |
yu, s | 2 |
zabala-iturriagagoitia, jm | 2 |
zaidman, b | 2 |
zapico-alonso, f | 2 |
zhang, j | 2 |
zhang, x | 2 |
zhao, sx | 2 |
zhao, y | 2 |
zhao, yh | 2 |
zhou, t | 2 |
zhu, cp | 2 |
zofio, jl | 2 |
zuccala, a | 2 |
zwaan, ra | 2 |
1 | |
aaltojarvi, i | 1 |
abd el kader, m | 1 |
ackerson, lg | 1 |
adamic, la | 1 |
aguillo, i | 1 |
akaishi, j | 1 |
al, u | 1 |
albrechtsen, h | 1 |
alcaide, gg | 1 |
alcazar, r | 1 |
aleixandre, jl | 1 |
aleixandre-tudo, jl | 1 |
allen, l | 1 |
allen, w | 1 |
alpiste, f | 1 |
althouse, bm | 1 |
alvarez, ja | 1 |
amancio, dr | 1 |
amara, n | 1 |
amir, s | 1 |
amudhavalli, a | 1 |
anderson, j | 1 |
anderson, tr | 1 |
andrews, j | 1 |
andries, p | 1 |
anido, r | 1 |
annibaldi, a | 1 |
antell, k | 1 |
antiqueira, l | 1 |
antonakis, j | 1 |
antonisse, mj | 1 |
arana, jm | 1 |
araujo-ruiz, ja | 1 |
arminen, i | 1 |
armstrong, j | 1 |
arunachalam, s | 1 |
arzheimer, k | 1 |
asnake, b | 1 |
avram, s | 1 |
ayala-gascon, m | 1 |
azerad, j | 1 |
bach, l | 1 |
bachler, m | 1 |
backhaus, k | 1 |
baden-fuller, c | 1 |
bador, p | 1 |
bagatin, e | 1 |
bakker, m | 1 |
balme, f | 1 |
barbosa, mpl | 1 |
barea-barrera, r | 1 |
barre, r | 1 |
barreto, mdc | 1 |
barrios, m | 1 |
barron, ae | 1 |
bartol, t | 1 |
barton, cc | 1 |
baskurt, ok | 1 |
basu, a | 1 |
baudoin, l | 1 |
bauer, hpw | 1 |
bauin, s | 1 |
beaulieu, m | 1 |
beckstead, lg | 1 |
bedeian, ag | 1 |
bedford, cd | 1 |
belbasis, l | 1 |
benhamou, y | 1 |
bensman, sj | 1 |
berbegal, j | 1 |
bergstrom, ct | 1 |
bergstrom, t | 1 |
bermudez-sanchez, mp | 1 |
bini, lm | 1 |
blagus, r | 1 |
blanco, fm | 1 |
blauwhof, g | 1 |
bletsas, a | 1 |
block, ja | 1 |
boardman, pc | 1 |
boas, prv | 1 |
bobb, k | 1 |
boell, sk | 1 |
bogetoft, p | 1 |
bogliolo, a | 1 |
boguna, m | 1 |
bokos, g | 1 |
bolumole, ya | 1 |
bonacelli, mb | 1 |
bond, n | 1 |
bonnevie, e | 1 |
bookstein, fl | 1 |
borges, fc | 1 |
borrego, a | 1 |
borsboom, d | 1 |
borsi, b | 1 |
bortfeld, h | 1 |
boshoff, n | 1 |
bourgine, p | 1 |
bourret, p | 1 |
bowden, b | 1 |
bowen, wm | 1 |
bramoulle, y | 1 |
brechot, c | 1 |
brimblecombe, p | 1 |
bristow, g | 1 |
broglio, kr | 1 |
bronhara, b | 1 |
broring, s | 1 |
broyer, m | 1 |
bruckner, e | 1 |
bruse, cs | 1 |
budilova, ev | 1 |
burkard, p | 1 |
burley, cj | 1 |
burley, jb | 1 |
City | Citations |
amsterdam, netherlands | 136 |
madrid, spain | 124 |
leiden, netherlands | 79 |
budapest, hungary | 78 |
philadelphia, usa | 75 |
louvain, belgium | 71 |
taipei, taiwan | 64 |
granada, spain | 61 |
paris, france | 58 |
rome, italy | 56 |
bloomington, usa | 53 |
zurich, switzerland | 47 |
antwerp, belgium | 46 |
brussels, belgium | 40 |
diepenbeek, belgium | 39 |
utrecht, netherlands | 39 |
copenhagen, denmark | 37 |
atlanta, usa | 36 |
oslo, norway | 35 |
seoul, south korea | 34 |
arlington, usa | 32 |
oostende, belgium | 30 |
nantes, france | 29 |
new delhi, india | 28 |
montreal, canada | 25 |
munich, germany | 24 |
singapore, singapore | 23 |
turin, italy | 23 |
ramat gan, israel | 22 |
rotterdam, netherlands | 22 |
berlin, germany | 21 |
karlsruhe, germany | 21 |
barcelona, spain | 17 |
umea, sweden | 17 |
the hague, netherlands | 16 |
tokyo, japan | 16 |
albuquerque, usa | 15 |
boston, usa | 15 |
helsinki, finland | 15 |
aalborg, denmark | 14 |
delft, netherlands | 14 |
valencia, spain | 14 |
badajoz, spain | 13 |
getafe, spain | 13 |
maastricht, netherlands | 13 |
stockholm, sweden | 13 |
taejon, south korea | 13 |
taichung, taiwan | 13 |
columbus, usa | 12 |
grenoble, france | 12 |
washington, usa | 12 |
zagreb, croatia | 12 |
boras, sweden | 11 |
bremen, germany | 11 |
groningen, netherlands | 11 |
new york, usa | 11 |
odense, denmark | 11 |
cadiz, spain | 10 |
ghent, belgium | 10 |
espoo, finland | 9 |
ljubljana, slovenia | 9 |
rio de janeiro, brazil | 9 |
urbana, usa | 9 |
chapel hill, usa | 8 |
los angeles, usa | 8 |
moscow, russia | 8 |
stuttgart, germany | 8 |
eindhoven, netherlands | 7 |
evanston, usa | 7 |
haddon hts, usa | 7 |
ioannina, greece | 7 |
los alamos, usa | 7 |
lund, sweden | 7 |
norcross, usa | 7 |
sao paulo, brazil | 7 |
st petersburg, russia | 7 |
suwon, south korea | 7 |
vienna, austria | 7 |
ahwaz, iran | 6 |
belgrade, serbia | 6 |
bergen, norway | 6 |
cambridge, usa | 6 |
chicago, usa | 6 |
china lake, usa | 6 |
honolulu, usa | 6 |
lausanne, switzerland | 6 |
london, canada | 6 |
norman, usa | 6 |
pisa, italy | 6 |
stillwater, usa | 6 |
berkeley, usa | 5 |
buffalo, usa | 5 |
chatenay malabry, france | 5 |
enschede, netherlands | 5 |
genoa, italy | 5 |
jerusalem, israel | 5 |
kyoto, japan | 5 |
linkoping, sweden | 5 |
lisbon, portugal | 5 |
mannheim, germany | 5 |
maribor, slovenia | 5 |
marseille, france | 5 |
mclean, usa | 5 |
milan, italy | 5 |
san juan, usa | 5 |
tempe, usa | 5 |
tours, france | 5 |
turku, finland | 5 |
udine, italy | 5 |
university pk, usa | 5 |
villeurbanne, france | 5 |
alicante, spain | 4 |
ann arbor, usa | 4 |
athens, greece | 4 |
berwyn, usa | 4 |
chemnitz, germany | 4 |
cologne, germany | 4 |
detroit, usa | 4 |
durham, usa | 4 |
erlangen, germany | 4 |
eugene, usa | 4 |
gothenburg, sweden | 4 |
jaen, spain | 4 |
kenitra, morocco | 4 |
la jolla, usa | 4 |
leon, spain | 4 |
lyngby, denmark | 4 |
lyon, france | 4 |
minneapolis, usa | 4 |
phoenix, usa | 4 |
pittsburgh, usa | 4 |
santa fe, usa | 4 |
st louis, usa | 4 |
syracuse, usa | 4 |
tampa, usa | 4 |
vigo, spain | 4 |
aarau, switzerland | 3 |
alexandria, usa | 3 |
almeria, spain | 3 |
bamberg, germany | 3 |
baton rouge, usa | 3 |
bern, switzerland | 3 |
bogota, colombia | 3 |
calgary, canada | 3 |
cerdanyola del valles, spain | 3 |
chiba, japan | 3 |
chieti, italy | 3 |
coimbra, portugal | 3 |
graz, austria | 3 |
groton, usa | 3 |
haifa, israel | 3 |
hamburg, germany | 3 |
irvine, usa | 3 |
kiev, ukraine | 3 |
liege, belgium | 3 |
lublin, poland | 3 |
lugano, switzerland | 3 |
manhattan, usa | 3 |
olten, switzerland | 3 |
pamplona, spain | 3 |
rockville, usa | 3 |
salamanca, spain | 3 |
seattle, usa | 3 |
stanford, usa | 3 |
strasbourg, france | 3 |
tainan, taiwan | 3 |
tarbes, france | 3 |
trento, italy | 3 |
tucson, usa | 3 |
uppsala, sweden | 3 |
volos, greece | 3 |
wageningen, netherlands | 3 |
worcester, usa | 3 |
yongin, south korea | 3 |
zaragoza, spain | 3 |
alcala de henares, spain | 2 |
ankara, turkey | 2 |
as, norway | 2 |
austin, usa | 2 |
bangkok, thailand | 2 |
basel, switzerland | 2 |
besancon, france | 2 |
bielefeld, germany | 2 |
bonn, germany | 2 |
chilung, taiwan | 2 |
chungli, taiwan | 2 |
cincinnati, usa | 2 |
cleveland, usa | 2 |
colombo, sri lanka | 2 |
fairfax, usa | 2 |
florence, italy | 2 |
frederiksberg, denmark | 2 |
fribourg, switzerland | 2 |
geneva, switzerland | 2 |
gorgan, iran | 2 |
havana, cuba | 2 |
herlev, denmark | 2 |
hsinchu, taiwan | 2 |
indianapolis, usa | 2 |
iowa city, usa | 2 |
ithaca, usa | 2 |
johor baharu, malaysia | 2 |
jouy en josas, france | 2 |
kiel, germany | 2 |
kumamoto, japan | 2 |
leipzig, germany | 2 |
manassas, usa | 2 |
marburg, germany | 2 |
meudon, france | 2 |
miami, usa | 2 |
milwaukee, usa | 2 |
munster, germany | 2 |
namur, belgium | 2 |
navarra, spain | 2 |
nice, france | 2 |
orlando, usa | 2 |
oulu, finland | 2 |
oviedo, spain | 2 |
pavia, italy | 2 |
pohang, south korea | 2 |
prescott, usa | 2 |
pullman, usa | 2 |
qom, iran | 2 |
rabat, morocco | 2 |
radford, usa | 2 |
raleigh, usa | 2 |
richardson, usa | 2 |
rio piedras, usa | 2 |
roskilde, denmark | 2 |
san francisco, usa | 2 |
santiago de compostela, spain | 2 |
santiago, chile | 2 |
seibersdorf, austria | 2 |
shiraz, iran | 2 |
siena, italy | 2 |
speyer, germany | 2 |
state coll, usa | 2 |
tampere, finland | 2 |
thessaloniki, greece | 2 |
toulouse, france | 2 |
trier, germany | 2 |
troy, usa | 2 |
vancouver, canada | 2 |
vandoeuvre les nancy, france | 2 |
varese, italy | 2 |
varna, bulgaria | 2 |
venice, italy | 2 |
waterloo, canada | 2 |
albany, usa | 1 |
ames, usa | 1 |
Citation impact report based on Web of Science indexed publications of Anthony F.J. van Raan in the period 1982-2011. Only publications of the document types article and review are included. Citations are counted within a 4-year citation window. Self citations are excluded. Citation impact statistics are reported both with and without field normalization.
Number of publications | 79 | |
Coverage | 65.3% |
Number of citations | Total: | 457 | Per publication: | 5.78 |
Number of publications with ≥ 10 citations | Total: | 13 | Percentage: | 16.5% |
Normalized number of citations | Total: | 192.4 | Per publication: | 2.44 |
Number of publications with ≥ 2.5 normalized citations | Total: | 25 | Percentage: | 31.6% |
Normalized journal impact | Total: | 91.5 | Per publication: | 1.16 |
Journal | Publications | Total no. of citations | Average no. of citations | No. of pub. with ≥ 10 cit. | Perc. pub. with ≥ 10 cit. | Total norm. no. of citations | Average norm. no. of citations | No. of pub. with ≥ 2.5 norm cit. | Perc. of pub. with ≥ 2.5 norm cit. | Total norm. journal impact | Average norm. journal impact |
scientometrics | 42 | 258.0 | 6.1 | 7.0 | 16.7% | 99.3 | 2.4 | 13.0 | 31.0% | 44.3 | 1.1 |
research policy | 10 | 51.0 | 5.1 | 1.0 | 10.0% | 29.9 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 30.0% | 16.8 | 1.7 |
journal of the american society for information science and technology | 7 | 51.0 | 7.3 | 3.0 | 42.9% | 20.2 | 2.9 | 3.0 | 42.9% | 9.2 | 1.3 |
journal of the american society for information science | 6 | 26.0 | 4.3 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 14.2 | 2.4 | 3.0 | 50.0% | 9.7 | 1.6 |
journal of informetrics | 3 | 46.0 | 15.3 | 2.0 | 66.7% | 20.1 | 6.7 | 2.0 | 66.7% | 5.2 | 1.7 |
research evaluation | 3 | 4.0 | 1.3 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 1.6 | 0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 1.4 | 0.5 |
czechoslovak journal of physics | 2 | 5.0 | 2.5 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.6 | 0.3 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.4 | 0.2 |
journal of information science | 2 | 2.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 1.0 | 0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 1.4 | 0.7 |
asist monograph series | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 2.6 | 2.6 | 1.0 | 100.0% | 0.6 | 0.6 |
evaluation review | 1 | 7.0 | 7.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 2.2 | 2.2 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.7 | 0.7 |
physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications | 1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.7 | 0.7 |
psychotherapy research | 1 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Field | Publications | Total no. of citations | Average no. of citations | No. of pub. with ≥ 10 cit. | Perc. pub. with ≥ 10 cit. | Total norm. no. of citations | Average norm. no. of citations | No. of pub. with ≥ 2.5 norm cit. | Perc. of pub. with ≥ 2.5 norm cit. | Total norm. journal impact | Average norm. journal impact |
information science & library science | 58 | 367.0 | 6.3 | 12.0 | 20.7% | 144.7 | 2.5 | 19.0 | 32.8% | 62.0 | 1.1 |
computer science, interdisciplinary applications | 42 | 258.0 | 6.1 | 7.0 | 16.7% | 99.3 | 2.4 | 13.0 | 31.0% | 44.3 | 1.1 |
computer science, information systems | 15 | 79.0 | 5.3 | 3.0 | 20.0% | 35.3 | 2.4 | 6.0 | 40.0% | 20.4 | 1.4 |
management | 10 | 51.0 | 5.1 | 1.0 | 10.0% | 29.9 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 30.0% | 16.8 | 1.7 |
planning & development | 10 | 51.0 | 5.1 | 1.0 | 10.0% | 29.9 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 30.0% | 16.8 | 1.7 |
physics, multidisciplinary | 3 | 5.0 | 1.7 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.6 | 0.2 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 1.1 | 0.4 |
psychology, clinical | 1 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 1.1 | 1.1 |
social sciences, interdisciplinary | 1 | 7.0 | 7.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 2.2 | 2.2 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.7 | 0.7 |
Collaboration report based on Web of Science indexed publications of Anthony F.J. van Raan in the period 1982-2013. Publications of all document types are included.
Number of publications | 100 | |||
Average number of authors per publication | 2.5 | |||
Total number of unique co-authors | 40 | |||
Leading-author publications | Total: | 40 | Percentage: | 40.0% |
Single-author publications | Total: | 31 | Percentage: | 31.0% |
Publications involving inter-organizational collaboration | Total: | 7 | Percentage: | 7.0% |
Publications involving international collaboration | Total: | 2 | Percentage: | 2.0% |
Co-author | Publications |
van leeuwen, tn | 21 |
moed, hf | 18 |
visser, ms | 10 |
peters, hpf | 8 |
tijssen, rjw | 8 |
noyons, ecm | 7 |
nederhof, aj | 6 |
van eck, nj | 6 |
waltman, l | 6 |
braam, rr | 5 |
rinia, ej | 5 |
van vuren, hg | 4 |
burger, wjm | 3 |
buter, rk | 3 |
costas, r | 3 |
frankfort, jg | 3 |
bruins, eew | 2 |
haverkort, jem | 2 |
korving, j | 2 |
schmoch, u | 2 |
vanvianen, bg | 2 |
bordons, m | 1 |
calero-medina, c | 1 |
davidse, rj | 1 |
deleeuw, j | 1 |
engelsman, ec | 1 |
grupp, h | 1 |
hartmann, d | 1 |
heiser, wj | 1 |
kosten, j | 1 |
mehta, bl | 1 |
meijer, rf | 1 |
nederhof, tj | 1 |
noyons, cm | 1 |
tijseen, rjw | 1 |
van der wurff, lj | 1 |
van wijk, e | 1 |
vandenbeemt, fchd | 1 |
wachmann, l | 1 |
wouters, p | 1 |
City | Publications |
leiden, netherlands | 100 |
utrecht, netherlands | 5 |
karlsruhe, germany | 2 |
madrid, spain | 1 |
rotterdam, netherlands | 1 |
List of Web of Science indexed publications of Anthony F.J. van Raan in the period 1982-2013. Publications of all document types are included.
Publication | Doc. type | Year | Cit. | Norm. cit. |
van raan, afj special topic issue: science and technology indicators - introduction journal of the american society for information science, 49(1), 5-6 View record in Web of Science®. |
editorial material | 1998 | 3 | |
noyons, ecm, van raan, afj monitoring scientific developments from a dynamic perspective: self-organized structuring to map neural network research journal of the american society for information science, 49(1), 68-81 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1998 | 42 | 2.79 |
noyons, ecm, van raan, afj advanced mapping of science and technology scientometrics, 41(1-2), 61-67 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1998 | 18 | 3.09 |
rinia, ej, van leeuwen, tn, van vuren, hg, van raan, afj comparative analysis of a set of bibliometric indicators and central peer review criteria - evaluation of condensed matter physics in the netherlands research policy, 27(1), 95-107 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1998 | 53 | 0.00 |
van raan, afj the influence of international collaboration on the impact of research results - some simple mathematical considerations concerning the role of self-citations scientometrics, 42(3), 423-428 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1998 | 49 | 2.98 |
van raan, afj in matters of quantitative studies of science the fault of theorists is offering too little and asking too much - comments on theories of citation? scientometrics, 43(1), 129-139 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1998 | 31 | 1.38 |
noyons, ecm, moed, hf, van raan, afj integrating research performance analysis and science mapping scientometrics, 46(3), 591-604 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1999 | 10 | 0.00 |
van raan, afj r&d evaluation at the beginning of the new century research evaluation, 9(2), 81-86 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2000 | 12 | 1.45 |
van leeuwen, tn, moed, hf, tijssen, rjw, visser, ms, van raan, afj first evidence of serious language-bias in the use of citation analysis for the evaluation of national science systems research evaluation, 9(2), 155-156 View record in Web of Science®. |
letter | 2000 | 13 | |
van raan, afj on growth, ageing, and fractal differentiation of science scientometrics, 47(2), 347-362 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2000 | 34 | 3.44 |
van raan, afj bibliometrics and internet: some observations and expectations scientometrics, 50(1), 59-63 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2001 | 20 | 1.97 |
rinia, ej, van leeuwen, tn, van vuren, hg, van raan, afj influence of interdisciplinarity on peer-review and bibliometric evaluations in physics research research policy, 30(3), 357-361 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2001 | 20 | 0.78 |
van raan, afj the pandora's box of citation analysis: measuring scientific excellence - the last evil? asist monograph series, 301-319 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2000 | 20 | 2.65 |
rinia, ej, van leeuwen, tn, bruins, eew, van vuren, hg, van raan, afj citation delay in interdisciplinary knowledge exchange scientometrics, 51(1), 293-309 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2001 | 21 | 0.20 |
van leeuwen, tn, moed, hf, tijssen, rjw, visser, ms, van raan, afj language biases in the coverage of the science citation index and its consequences for international comparisons of national research performance scientometrics, 51(1), 335-346 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2001 | 81 | 3.77 |
van raan, afj competition amongst scientists for publication status: toward a model of scientific publication and citation distributions scientometrics, 51(1), 347-357 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2001 | 18 | 0.56 |
van raan, afj two-step competition process leads to quasi power-law income distributions - application to scientific publication and citation distributions physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications, 298(3-4), 530-536 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2001 | 12 | 0.00 |
rinia, ej, van leeuwen, tn, van raan, afj impact measures of interdisciplinary research in physics scientometrics, 53(2), 241-248 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2002 | 11 | 0.13 |
van raan, afj, van leeuwen, tn assessment of the scientific basis of interdisciplinary, applied research - application of bibliometric methods in nutrition and food research research policy, 31(4), 611-632 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2002 | 28 | 1.93 |
rinia, ej, van leeuwen, tn, bruins, eew, van vuren, hg, van raan, afj measuring knowledge transfer between fields of science scientometrics, 54(3), 347-362 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2002 | 28 | 1.77 |
van leeuwen, tn, van der wurff, lj, van raan, afj the use of combined bibliometric methods in research funding policy research evaluation, 10(3), 195-201 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2001 | 12 | 0.10 |
van leeuwen, tn, visser, ms, moed, hf, nederhof, tj, van raan, afj holy grail of science policy: exploring and combining bibliometric tools in search of scientific excellence scientometrics, 57(2), 257-280 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2003 | 51 | 1.28 |
van raan, afj, visser, ms, van leeuwen, tn, van wijk, e bibliometric analysis of psychotherapy research: performance assessment and position in the journal landscape psychotherapy research, 13(4), 511-528 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2003 | 4 | 0.72 |
van raan, afj sleeping beauties in science scientometrics, 59(3), 467-472 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2004 | 61 | 4.18 |
van raan, afj fatal attraction: conceptual and methodological problems in the ranking of universities by bibliometric methods scientometrics, 62(1), 133-143 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2005 | 123 | 17.88 |
van raan, afj reference-based publication networks with episodic memories scientometrics, 63(3), 549-566 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2005 | 10 | 4.13 |
van raan, afj academic ranking of world universities using scientometrics - a comment to the "fatal attraction" - reply scientometrics, 64(1), 111-112 View record in Web of Science®. |
letter | 2005 | 9 | |
van raan, afj statistical properties of bibliometric indicators: research group indicator distributions and correlations journal of the american society for information science and technology, 57(3), 408-430 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2006 | 35 | 6.49 |
van raan, afj comparison of the hirsch-index with standard bibliometric indicators and with peer judgment for 147 chemistry research groups scientometrics, 67(3), 491-502 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2006 | 184 | 15.32 |
van raan, afj performance-related differences of bibliometric statistical properties of research groups: cumulative advantages and hierarchically layered networks journal of the american society for information science and technology, 57(14), 1919-1935 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2006 | 11 | 1.24 |
van raan, afj bibliometric statistical properties of the 100 largest european research universities: prevalent scaling rules in the science system journal of the american society for information science and technology, 59(3), 461-475 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2008 | 15 | 3.41 |
van raan, afj scaling rules in the science system: influence of field-specific citation characteristics on the impact of research groups journal of the american society for information science and technology, 59(4), 565-576 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2008 | 15 | 2.97 |
van raan, afj self-citation as an impact-reinforcing mechanism in the science system journal of the american society for information science and technology, 59(10), 1631-1643 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2008 | 6 | 1.97 |
costas, r, bordons, m, van leeuwen, tn, van raan, afj scaling rules in the science system: influence of field-specific citation characteristics on the impact of individual researchers journal of the american society for information science and technology, 60(4), 740-753 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2009 | 7 | 2.10 |
schmoch, u, van raan, afj hariolf grupp 3rd july 1950-20th january 2009 obituary scientometrics, 80(2), 303-304 View record in Web of Science®. |
biographical-item | 2009 | 0 | |
costas, r, van leeuwen, tn, van raan, afj is scientific literature subject to a 'sell-by-date'? a general methodology to analyze the 'durability' of scientific documents journal of the american society for information science and technology, 61(2), 329-339 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2010 | 4 | 1.97 |
nederhof, aj, van leeuwen, tn, van raan, afj highly cited non-journal publications in political science, economics and psychology: a first exploration scientometrics, 83(2), 363-374 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2010 | 3 | 1.96 |
buter, rk, noyons, ecm, van raan, afj identification of converging research areas using publication and citation data research evaluation, 19(1), 19-27 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2010 | 0 | 0.00 |
van raan, afj, van leeuwen, tn, visser, ms, van eck, nj, waltman, l rivals for the crown: reply to opthof and leydesdorff journal of informetrics, 4(3), 431-435 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2010 | 31 | 4.67 |
waltman, l, van eck, nj, van leeuwen, tn, visser, ms, van raan, afj towards a new crown indicator: some theoretical considerations journal of informetrics, 5(1), 37-47 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2011 | 40 | 15.42 |
buter, rk, noyons, cm, van raan, afj searching for converging research using field to field citations scientometrics, 86(2), 325-338 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2011 | 1 | 0.88 |
waltman, l, van eck, nj, van leeuwen, tn, visser, ms, van raan, afj towards a new crown indicator: an empirical analysis scientometrics, 87(3), 467-481 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2011 | 15 | 6.97 |
van raan, afj, van leeuwen, tn, visser, ms severe language effect in university rankings: particularly germany and france are wronged in citation-based rankings scientometrics, 88(2), 495-498 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2011 | 13 | 3.37 |
costas, r, van leeuwen, tn, van raan, afj the "mendel syndrome" in science: durability of scientific literature and its effects on bibliometric analysis of individual scientists scientometrics, 89(1), 177-205 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2011 | 2 | 0.44 |
waltman, l, van eck, nj, van leeuwen, tn, visser, ms, van raan, afj on the correlation between bibliometric indicators and peer review: reply to opthof and leydesdorff scientometrics, 88(3), 1017-1022 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2011 | 5 | 1.33 |
buter, rk, van raan, afj non-alphanumeric characters in titles of scientific publications: an analysis of their occurrence and correlation with citation impact journal of informetrics, 5(4), 608-617 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2011 | 0 | 0.00 |
waltman, l, van eck, nj, van raan, afj universality of citation distributions revisited journal of the american society for information science and technology, 63(1), 72-77 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2012 | 5 | |
van raan, afj properties of journal impact in relation to bibliometric research group performance indicators scientometrics, 92(2), 457-469 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2012 | 0 | |
waltman, l, calero-medina, c, kosten, j, noyons, ecm, tijssen, rjw, van eck, nj, et al. the leiden ranking 2011/2012: data collection, indicators, and interpretation journal of the american society for information science and technology, 63(12), 2419-2432 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 2012 | 0 | |
vanraan, afj, haverkort, jem, mehta, bl, korving, j 2-step photo-excitation of k2 molecular rydberg states in a heat-pipe oven journal of physics b-atomic molecular and optical physics, 15(18), L669-L675 View record in Web of Science®. |
letter | 1982 | 9 | |
vanraan, afj, haverkort, jem, korving, j self-shift and foreign-gas-induced shift of molecular rydberg states measured in a thermionic heat-pipe oven journal of physics b-atomic molecular and optical physics, 17(23), L823-L827 View record in Web of Science®. |
letter | 1984 | 2 | |
moed, hf, vanraan, afj critical remarks on irvine and martin methodology for evaluating scientific performance social studies of science, 15(3), 539-547 View record in Web of Science®. |
note | 1985 | 9 | |
moed, hf, burger, wjm, frankfort, jg, vanraan, afj a comparative-study of bibliometric past performance analysis and peer judgment scientometrics, 8(3-4), 149-159 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1985 | 16 | 0.02 |
moed, hf, burger, wjm, frankfort, jg, vanraan, afj the application of bibliometric indicators - important field-dependent and time-dependent factors to be considered scientometrics, 8(3-4), 177-203 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1985 | 48 | 0.24 |
moed, hf, burger, wjm, frankfort, jg, vanraan, afj the use of bibliometric data for the measurement of university-research performance research policy, 14(3), 131-149 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1985 | 141 | 8.54 |
moed, hf, vanraan, afj research performance analysis in physics - the leiden example czechoslovak journal of physics, 36(1), 92-96 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1986 | 3 | 0.59 |
moed, hf, vanraan, afj cross-field impact and impact delay of physics departments czechoslovak journal of physics, 36(1), 97-100 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1986 | 6 | 0.04 |
moed, hf, vanraan, afj observations and hypotheses on the phenomenon of multiple citation to a research groups oeuvre scientometrics, 10(1-2), 17-33 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1986 | 6 | 0.81 |
vanraan, afj, hartmann, d the comparative impact of scientific publications and journals - methods of measurement and graphical display scientometrics, 11(5-6), 325-331 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1987 | 5 | 0.32 |
nederhof, aj, vanraan, afj peer-review and bibliometric indicators of scientific performance - a comparison of cum laude doctorates with ordinary doctorates in physics scientometrics, 11(5-6), 333-350 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1987 | 20 | 0.75 |
tijseen, rjw, deleeuw, j, vanraan, afj quasi-correspondence analysis on scientometric transaction matrices scientometrics, 11(5-6), 351-366 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1987 | 45 | 0.57 |
nederhof, aj, vanraan, afj citation theory and the ortega hypothesis scientometrics, 12(5-6), 325-328 View record in Web of Science®. |
note | 1987 | 8 | 0.00 |
braam, rr, moed, hf, vanraan, afj mapping of science by combined co-citation and word analysis .1. structural aspects science technology & human values, 13(1-2), 97-98 View record in Web of Science®. |
meeting abstract | 1988 | 3 | |
braam, rr, moed, hf, vanraan, afj mapping of science by combined co-citation and word analysis .2. dynamical aspects science technology & human values, 13(1-2), 98 View record in Web of Science®. |
meeting abstract | 1988 | 0 | |
peters, hpf, vanraan, afj analysis of recent developments in chemical-engineering by composite co-word analysis science technology & human values, 13(1-2), 167-168 View record in Web of Science®. |
meeting abstract | 1988 | 0 | |
vanraan, afj imaging science - a formal model science technology & human values, 13(1-2), 192-193 View record in Web of Science®. |
meeting abstract | 1988 | 0 | |
vanvianen, bg, moed, hf, vanraan, afj characteristics of the science and technology interface studied by patent analysis science technology & human values, 13(1-2), 193-194 View record in Web of Science®. |
meeting abstract | 1988 | 0 | |
vanraan, afj comments on small,henry, recipient of the 1987 price,derek,desolla award scientometrics, 14(5-6), 361-363 View record in Web of Science®. |
editorial material | 1988 | 2 | |
vanraan, afj narin,francis recipient of the 1988 price,derek,desolla award - comments scientometrics, 17(1-2), 5-7 View record in Web of Science®. |
item about an individual | 1989 | 2 | |
nederhof, aj, vanraan, afj a validation-study of bibliometric indicators - the comparative performance of cum laude doctorates in chemistry scientometrics, 17(5-6), 427-435 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1989 | 9 | 0.18 |
tijssen, rjw, vanraan, afj mapping co-word structures - a comparison of multidimensional-scaling and leximappe scientometrics, 15(3-4), 283-295 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1989 | 7 | 0.00 |
vanraan, afj, peters, hpf dynamics of a scientific field analyzed by co-subfield structures scientometrics, 15(5-6), 607-620 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1989 | 9 | 0.86 |
vanvianen, bg, moed, hf, vanraan, afj an exploration of the science base of recent technology research policy, 19(1), 61-81 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1990 | 37 | 6.09 |
tijssen, rjw, vanraan, afj net citation balances - a measure of influence between scientific journals journal of the american society for information science, 41(4), 298-304 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1990 | 7 | 0.46 |
tijssen, rjw, vanraan, afj, heiser, wj, wachmann, l integrating multiple sources of information in literature-based maps of science journal of information science, 16(4), 217-227 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1990 | 5 | 0.00 |
vanraan, afj fractal dimension of cocitations nature, 347(6294), 626 View record in Web of Science®. |
letter | 1990 | 34 | |
peters, hpf, vanraan, afj structuring scientific activities by co-author analysis - an exercise on a university-faculty level scientometrics, 20(1), 235-255 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1991 | 23 | 0.21 |
vanraan, afj fractal geometry of information space as represented by co-citation-clustering scientometrics, 20(3), 439-449 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1991 | 15 | 4.52 |
braam, rr, moed, hf, vanraan, afj mapping of science by combined cocitation and word analysis .1. structural aspects journal of the american society for information science, 42(4), 233-251 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1991 | 98 | 2.23 |
braam, rr, moed, hf, vanraan, afj mapping of science by combined cocitation and word analysis .2. dynamic aspects journal of the american society for information science, 42(4), 252-266 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1991 | 67 | 3.08 |
peters, hpf, vanraan, afj co-word-based science maps of chemical-engineering .1. representations by direct multidimensional-scaling research policy, 22(1), 23-45 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1993 | 52 | 5.92 |
peters, hpf, vanraan, afj co-word-based science maps of chemical-engineering .2. representations by combined clustering and multidimensional-scaling research policy, 22(1), 47-71 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1993 | 27 | 1.96 |
vanraan, afj, tijssen, rjw the neural net of neural network research - an exercise in bibliometric mapping scientometrics, 26(1), 169-192 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1993 | 35 | 6.22 |
nederhof, aj, meijer, rf, moed, hf, vanraan, afj research performance indicators for university departments - a study of an agricultural university scientometrics, 27(2), 157-178 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1993 | 21 | 1.16 |
nederhof, aj, vanraan, afj a bibliometric analysis of 6 economics research groups - a comparison with peer-review research policy, 22(4), 353-368 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1993 | 38 | 1.95 |
engelsman, ec, vanraan, afj a patent-based cartography of technology research policy, 23(1), 1-26 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1994 | 34 | 2.08 |
peters, hpf, vanraan, afj on determinants of citation scores - a case-study in chemical-engineering journal of the american society for information science, 45(1), 39-49 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1994 | 32 | 2.39 |
tijssen, rjw, vanraan, afj mapping changes in science and technology - bibliometric cooccurrence analysis of the r-and-d literature evaluation review, 18(1), 98-115 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1994 | 22 | 2.18 |
peters, hpf, vanraan, afj a bibliometric profile of top-scientists - a case-study in chemical-engineering scientometrics, 29(1), 115-136 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1994 | 13 | 0.35 |
noyons, ecm, vanraan, afj bibliometric cartography of scientific and technological developments of an research-and-development field - the case of optomechatronics scientometrics, 30(1), 157-173 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1994 | 17 | 0.36 |
vanraan, afj little scientometrics, big scientometrics ... and beyond scientometrics, 30(2-3), 529-531 View record in Web of Science®. |
note | 1994 | 1 | 0.00 |
noyons, ecm, vanraan, afj, grupp, h, schmoch, u exploring the science and technology interface - inventor author relations in laser medicine research research policy, 23(4), 443-457 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1994 | 31 | 0.66 |
vanraan, afj self-organized mapping of science and technology - the application of bibliometric cartography abstracts of papers of the american chemical society, 208, 3-CINF View record in Web of Science®. |
meeting abstract | 1994 | 0 | |
peters, hpf, braam, rr, vanraan, afj cognitive resemblance and citation relations in chemical-engineering publications journal of the american society for information science, 46(1), 9-21 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1995 | 33 | 3.25 |
vandenbeemt, fchd, vanraan, afj evaluating research proposals nature, 375(6529), 272 View record in Web of Science®. |
letter | 1995 | 6 | |
vanraan, afj advanced bibliometric methods as quantitative core of peer review based evaluation and foresight exercises scientometrics, 36(3), 397-420 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1996 | 89 | 4.60 |
vanraan, afj introduction to the proceedings of the fourth international conference on science and technology indicators scientometrics, 37(2), 191-193 View record in Web of Science®. |
editorial material | 1996 | 0 | |
vanraan, afj scientometrics: state-of-the-art scientometrics, 38(1), 205-218 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1997 | 31 | 0.80 |
davidse, rj, vanraan, afj out of particles: impact of cern, desy and slac research to fields other than physics scientometrics, 40(2), 171-193 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1997 | 14 | 0.36 |
vanraan, afj the future of the quality assurance system: its impact on the social and professional recognition of scientists in the era of electronic publishing journal of information science, 23(6), 445-450 View record in Web of Science®. |
article | 1997 | 6 | 0.95 |