Centre for Science and Technology Studies Centre for Science and Technology Studies 2333AL Leiden Zuid Holland 31715273909

Open Science

The Open Science thematic hub is one of the four research hubs at CWTS. This thematic hub is led by Thed van Leeuwen and André Brasil.


The Open Science research hub aims to synthesize CWTS research on the current policy drive towards "open science" and translate our research results as well as theoretical, empirical, and technical expertise to applicable ideas, advice, and technical solutions. The hub draws in particular on the open science research line in the SES group and some of the research in the QSS and STiS groups.

Research topics

The Open Science theme focuses on the following topics:

  • Infrastructures. We will employ infrastructure analysis to address the (mis)alignment between policy and practice to investigate open science practices.
  • Policies. We will analyse the policy push to openness on various levels throughout the science system. For example, we will study the implementation of national mandates on open access publishing, and the consequences these mandates might have.
  • Data. We will collect data about open science practices, in particular data on open access publishing, open data repositories, open innovation, open labs, and citizen science.
  • Indicators. Building on the open science database, we will explore the potential of robust indicators to monitor the development of open science infrastructures and practices.
  • Assessment. We will focus on the effects of openness on the culture and practice of research assessment , its relationship with academic reward systems, and applications of open forms of evaluation.
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